History & Back Issues

Mythprint has been published more or less regularly since 1970 and is one of the benefits of membership in the Mythopoeic Society. It was initially a monthly print publication featuring news announcements, upcoming activities, assorted articles, and reviews of Discussion Group meetings in a saddle-stapled 5.5" x 8.5" format. After many years it evolved into a bi-monthly publication and, due to the changing needs of the Society and the availability of online and social media formats for news and announcements, became a quarterly publication in 2013, featuring more book reviews, interviews, and Mythcon and other reports.
Mythprint became primarily a digital publication in January of 2010 (see news item "Mythprint Becomes Primarily Electronic Publication") while time-sensitive news is relayed via our website under News and social media outlets, as detailed on our News page.
Browsing through the table of contents for issues will provide some examples of the content. Back issues of Mythprint are available for purchase by volume, in sets containing all issues from a particular year. Individual issues may be available by special arrangement; please write to at the Orders Department to inquire.
Mythopoeic Society Orders Dept.
P.O. Box 6707
Altadena, CA 91003-6707
We are in the process of moving away from print and toward electronic (PDF) back issues with Mythprint, too.
Ordering back issues
You may order back issues online using the links below, or by mail using our order form & membership application (PDF - please download and print out).Questions about PayPal or how to use it without a PayPal account, please follow this link
Backissues Available in Print
- Year - Volume - Notes - Price
- 1970 - Bound issues $2.00
- 1971 - Bound issues $4.00
- 1972 - $8.00
- 1973 - $8.00
- 1974 - Some photocopies $8.00
- 1975 - September is a photocopy $6.50
- 1976 - January-May, 5 issues $2.50
- 1977 - 5 issues; December is a photocopy $1.25
- 1978 - 2 issues $0.50
- Year - Volume - Notes - Price
- 1980 - 8 issues $2.00
- 1981 - 12 issues $3.00
- 1982 - 12 issues $3.20
- 1983 - $4.20
- 1984 - $4.20
- 1985 - $4.20
- 1986 - $4.20
- 1987 - 24 - $4.20
- 1988 - 25 - $4.20
- 1989 - 26 - $4.20
- Year - Volume - Notes - Price
- 1990 - 27 - $4.20
- 1991 - 28 - $4.20
- 1992 - 29 - $4.20
- 1993 - 30 - $4.20
- 1994 - 31 - $4.20
- 1995 - 32 - $4.20
- 1996 - 33 - Includes issue for December 1996/January 1997 $4.20
- 1997 - 34 - 11 issues $8.00
- 1998 - 35 - 12 issues $8.00
- 1999 - 36 - 12 issues $8.00
- Year - Volume - Notes - Price
- 2000 - 37 - 12 issues $8.00
- 2001 - 38 - 12 issues $8.00
- 2002 - 39 - 12 issues $8.00
- 2003 - 40 - 11 issues $8.00
- 2004 - 41 - 11 issues $8.00
- 2005 - 42 - 11 issues $8.00
- 2006 - 43 - 9 issues $8.00
- 2007 - 44 - 9 issues $8.00
- 2008 - 45 - 8 issues $8.00
- 2009 - 46 - 4 issues $4.00
- Year - Volume - Notes - Price
- 2010 - 47 - 12 issues; Janet Croft, interim editor for two issues; Jason Fisher, new editor $8.00
- 2011 - 48 - 12 issues $8.00
- 2012 - 49 - 10 issues $8.00
- 2013 - 50 - 3 quarterly issues $8.00
- 2014 - 51 - 3 quarterly issues $8.00
- 2015 - 52 - 4 quarterly issues $8.00
- 2016 - 53 - 4 quarterly issues $8.00 - electronic only, order from page
- 2017 - 54 - 4 quarterly issues $8.00 - electronic only, order from page
- 2018 - 55 - 4 quarterly issues $8.00 - electronic only, order from page
- 2019 - 56 - 4 quarterly issues $8.00 - electronic only, order from page
Content copyright 1967- The Mythopoeic Society All rights reserved.